So What Does This Mean for Education for Sustainable Development?
Group Activity 3: Engaging with the Idea of ESD
Revisit your Pre-Course Task 2. In your group, discuss what you understand by Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). In particular, highlight:
- What you feel it involves; and
- Why you feel Education for Sustainable Development is relevant for the South African National Curriculum.
__________________________________________________________ - Does everyone in your group share the same understanding of ESD?
- What are the differences and similarities?
- Where is the focus for different members of the group?
Group Activity 4: Developing a Shared Understanding of ESD
Based on your discussion in the previous activity, work together to develop a shared description of what ESD is. Pay special attention to the connection to basic education in the South African context. Include the following in your shared description:
- A working definition that summarises your key ideas;
- An indication of which knowledge areas are particularly important;
- A description of the types and forms of learning you think a learner would need to be able to contribute to a sustainable world.