Online Course and Materials Completion Checklist

Please complete this checklist after completing your course and the Subject Booklet.

The course colour is correct.
The course has a banner at the top.
I have tested that all the forms work and that a copy of answers is sent to participant via email.
All Forums are functioning correctly and open on a new Tab
All hyperlinks are included and opens on a new Tab
The link to the Course Booklet is available under course materials
All headings are the correct size.
All graphics, images and tables are clear and correctly referenced.
I have used the pre-designed Container Templates for each of my pages.
The course Permalink is short and functional.
The Course Home Page includes a short introduction and how to navigate the course.
The Course Home Page includes a banner at the top of the page.
I have included narrated PowerPoint Presentations.
Pre-Course Evaluation form is included.
Introduction Page content is completed and functional.
Table with Links to CAPS with topics, Grades and Terms are included.
Know your Subject Page content completed and functional.
Improve your Teaching Practices content completed and functional.
Improve your Assessment Practices content completed and functional.
The Assessment Task is included as a Gravity Form.
Participants Receive a Copy of the assessment Task via the Notification System of Gravity Forms.
The Assessment Task is aligned with the Course Assessment Task Template
The course is well structured, good quality built on sound pedagogical e-learning principles.
Course Evaluation Form is included at the end of the course.
I have edited and revamped the Course Booklet
I have kept a record of my edits via “Track Changes” on MSWord
Are there any significant Graphical changes that you suggest?
Is the Booklet ready for proofreading and printing
Max. file size: 128 MB.