Composting – Assessment Task

1. Watch the videos and read the articles in the section “Understanding Composting for a Circular Economy”.

2. Write a start-up story to introduce the topic “Composting for a Circular Economy” using the photos from your small-scale composter practical activity at the LEVEL of Grade 2. Also, bring in core terminology from the Grade 2 CAPS curriculum focusing on the topic of living soil.

3. Reflect and evaluate your story by answering the following question.

  • What heritage knowledge practices does the story highlight?
  • Whose heritage knowledge practices does the story highlight (think – generation, culture, geographical space)?
  • What seeds for inquiry questions does the narrative open up?
  • What potential learning pathways does the start-up story open up?
  • How is this heritage situated as a sustainability process?
  • How does the narrative relate to the life experience and identity of learners?
  • How does it set a platform for practical activity and possible change projects?

3. Submit your start-up story and answers to your lecturer.

How do we Activate ESD as Handprint Learning around matters of concern?

During this course, we will also introduce you to the learning and teaching practices behind these lessons. Click on the link below to access the Handprint for Change resource platform and learn more about the four-quadrant process.