Assignment details

Assignment for teachers and teacher students

  1. Prepare a lesson plan. Choose one of the three Life Orientation learning areas that engages climate change:
    • Self in Society
    • Environmental and Social Responsibility
    • Human Rights, Social Justice and Climate Action
  2. Write out a brief curriculum analysis to justify your choice of topic.
  3. Your lesson plan should also include a learner assessment task for the curriculum topic that you chose.
  4. Teach your lesson. Keep a record of how the learning progression unfolds as a learning experience. Include this information for your Portfolio of Evidence.
  5. Allow learners to complete and then mark the assessment task
  6. Ask learners to also complete a feedback questionnaire on the lesson and its assessment task.
  7. Ask a colleague or peer to evaluate your lesson and the assessment task.
  8. Draw on your experience of teaching the lesson, the assessment task and the evaluation feedback to write a brief review your teaching, learning and assessment practices for enabling your students to engage climate change as a relevant matter of concern.
  9. Submit a portfolio of evidence as a record of you lesson planning, learning assessment and lesson evaluation of your teaching practices.

 Assignment guidelines for teachers and student teachers

Your lesson study report should include a Portfolio of Evidence of lesson planning, learning assessment and evaluation. Please include the following in your report

  • An introduction stating why you have chosen a specific topic, the significance of the topic in your Life Orientation Class.
  • A curriculum analysis of where you have integrated your chosen topic of climate change.
  • Your Life Orientation Lesson Plan
  • Resources utilised for your lesson
  • Evidence of lesson presentation – such as learners’ work, pictures etc
  • Evidence of assessment of topic: this should include your assessment, your assessment approach and marked assessment
  • Evidence of feedback from your learners.
  • Evidence of feedback from your college or peer
  • Your self-evaluation of your teaching, learning and assessment practices
  • What have you learnt and what would you do differently next time?

Once you’ve completed the assignment please submit your assignment below. If you have any questions relating to the assignment content, structure or have difficulties uploading your assignment please contact us.