Session 4: Know your assessment practices

By the end of this unit, participants should be able to:

  • Understand the various cognitive levels associated with formal assessment.
  • Explore and select appropriate scientific process skills.
  • Develop relevant assessment tasks related to topics on the ‘Evolving Planet’.
  • Make connections between ESD principles and assessment tasks from the curriculum.

Complete Activities 4 and 5 below.

Activity 4: Cognitive Levels

A range of cognitive levels and abilities need to be carefully designed into formal assessments in the following way: Cognitive levels for the assessment of content in Grades 7, 8 and 9.

Below is a list of verbs you can use when setting questions for assessment tasks. Organise these in a table as they that relate to different cognitive levels ‘1. Knowing science, 2. Understanding science, 3. Applying scientific knowledge and 4. Evaluating, analysing, synthesising scientific knowledge’.

In Grades 7-9, the CAPS formal assessment requirements for Natural Science are made up of tests, practical task / investigations, projects and exams. Natural sciences teachers need to be able to develop assessment tasks that are curriculum appropriate and also address ESD principles.

Activity 5: Organization of Verbs

Organize your verbs here.

Please remember to keep a copy of your activities for your portfolio.